正规博彩十大网站排名目标部门路线图: Leveraging the power of collaboration to drive SDG impact

WBCSD leverages insight acquired through the development of SDG roadmaps for seven sector roadmaps with over 70 companies to update 和 enhance its 正规博彩十大网站排名目标行业路线图指南.

发表: 2021年6月10日
类型: 新闻

2021年6月10日,日内瓦: The 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) has today released an update to its 正规博彩十大网站排名目标行业路线图指南,与ERM合作开发. Building on practical application experience acquired through working with over 70 companies on the development of roadmaps for seven industries in recent years, this updated resource lays out a step-by-step process that companies from the same sector can follow as they come together to explore, articulate 和 realize a common vision for how their industry can leverage their unique potential to contribute to the SDG agenda.

WBCSD originally published these guidelines in 2018, in response to recommendations from the 业务 & 正规博彩十大网站排名委员会 具有里程碑意义的 更好的商业,更好的世界 report that made a compelling case for companies to come together with peers at the sector level to develop SDG roadmaps as a means of guiding their industry’s shift to sustainable development in line with the SDGs.

WBCSD’s 正规博彩十大网站排名目标行业路线图指南 provide a structured framework 和 approach that companies can follow as they embark upon SDG road-mapping for their sector. The framework leads companies through a process of establishing their sector’s current level of interaction with the SDGs throughout the value chain; identifying the sector’s most significant opportunities for impact; 和 establishing key calls to action 和 monitoring systems in order to chart a course towards the sector’s 2030 vision.

Applying the methodology detailed in the guidelines enables companies to assemble a tailored strategic plan for their industry, with time-bound actions needed to meet ambitious yet attainable goals in line with the SDGs.

自从这些准则发布以来, WBCSD has convened over 70 companies 和 several global industry associations to produce roadmaps for seven different industry 行业, creating important reference points that have helped to accelerate 和 optimize SDG impact across a number of industries including the 化学, 印度水泥, 森林, 美国农业, 电力公司, 石油和天然气轮胎 行业.

Building on the practical experience that has been built up through working with multiple industries over the course of the last few years, WBCSD is now pleased to be making available a refreshed 和 refined set of guidelines which also include case studies 和 examples of practical application by leading companies 和 associations to inspire best practice.

Peter Bakker, WBCSD总裁兼首席执行官 said: “We will only be able realize the ambitions of the SDGs 和 to tackle the unprecedented challenges that we face as a global society through pioneering collaboration, with sector peers coming together to plot a new course focused on a common vision. As we enter a critical make-or-break “Decade of Action” to deliver the SDGs by 2030, we hope that these updated guidelines can inspire even more 行业 to develop roadmaps that identify the common solutions, opportunities 和 partnerships needed to help achieve the ambitions of the SDGs.”

Keryn James, ERM首席执行官 said: “ERM has been privileged to work with WBCSD since 2017 on the SDG Sector Roadmap program, 包括为七个部门制定路线图. Sector roadmaps are a powerful example of how the private sector can navigate the immediate challenges they are facing 和 begin to build greater resilience as they plan for the road to 2030. With sustainability now at the center of many business models 和 strategies, 正规博彩十大网站排名目标路线图可作为帮助各部门发挥领导作用的工具, 创新, 和 challenge their approaches to shape a more sustainable future.”


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